Babe #49: AMBER VITTORIA,Designer @ Avon + Freelance Illustrator

Currently hustling as an in-house designer at Avon in addition to working as a freelance illustrator, Amber is an insanely unique artist with a personal style that's hard to miss. Having already worked for kickass companies like Man Repeller, Lenny Letter, Teen Vogue, Saks Fifth Avenue and her dream brand, The New York Times, I'd say she's doing pretty well, and I can't wait to see where she goes next. Thanks for chatting with us about why you do what you do, Amber, (and thanks for being our Valentine!)

BABE #48: CHYNNA RATNER, Director of Social Marketing @ Exclusive Sports Marketing

I am such a big fan of Chynna. Interviewing her has been one of those full-circle moments for me as I've watched her grow into the confident, strong-willed woman she is over the past 10+ years. She was pretty dang humble in this interview, but what she didn't mention is that she was an SEC D1 Volleyball player in college. She works her tail off at everything she does. I admire her passion for standing up for what's right and can't wait to see all that she accomplishes. Thanks for chatting with me, Chynna. You're the best.