
“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” 
― Sheryl Sandberg

Kristin Darlin - Founder, Darlin Studios

Kristin Darlin - Founder, Darlin Studios

Kristin is the founder of Darlin Studios, a Florida-based company specializing in video and photo production. Averaging 2-3 shoots per week, Kristin toggles between weddings, commercial work, and various projects. She picked up her first camera at 12-years-old and taught herself the ins and outs of the industry over the years—but it wasn’t until she moved to Australia for a year that she truly felt she found her groove. Kristin is no stranger to pushing herself outside of her comfort zone and has accumulated a wealth of helpful advice for fellow babes along the way.

The Basics:

Hometown: Winter Springs, Florida
Current city: Winter Springs, FL
Alma mater: Florida Atlantic University
Degree: B.S., International Business
Very first job: Houston’s Restaurant
Hustle: Founder, Videographer + Photographer, Darlin Studios

The Interests:


Babe you admire and why?
My mom. She has shown me, from a young age, what it means to be a boss. She is the Operational Manager of a massive physical therapy company, a great leader and friend to so many, and still manages to travel and have fun on the weekends. She has always been so supportive and encouraging throughout my life—even when I make big jumps, like studying abroad in Barcelona or moving to Australia for a year to grow my videography business. 

Favorite morning ritual?
Meditating and visualizing happiness and success in my future, hitting the gym, and getting some proteins/greens in!

Book every woman should read?
Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger. It will change the way you look at the world.

What’s your favorite feel-good food?

The Hustle:

Tell us about your hustle, providing a summary of your roles and the work you do daily.
I’m the founder of Darlin Studios, a Florida-based company specializing in video and photo production. Typically, I have 2-3 shoots a week—sometimes out of state! When I am not filming or taking photos, I’m usually editing, but I enjoy every second of it. Shoots are fun because every day it's something different and I get to meet so many people and learn about all different types of businesses. Editing is fun because I get to work from home and be creative as well! I am also starting to get out into the community and attending various networking events. It’s a lot of work but it is such a rewarding feeling being my own boss.

When did your passion for photography begin? What first steps did you take in order to establish yourself as a pro?
I started taking photos with a small digital camera when I was 12, but I didn’t really know the technical side of cameras until 2018. I did a couple of pro bono videos and from there, Darlin Studios took off. I learned a lot just from being out in the field and through watching Youtube videos. We have so much knowledge right at our fingertips—we just have to take action and believe that we can! I moved to Australia in December 2019, which was my first time being a full-time videographer. I applied to hundreds (not kidding) of media companies with no luck. So I changed my tactic by reaching out to companies through Instagram and email; once I did that, the job offers flowed! I filmed for the New South Wales Government, wine companies, bars, restaurants, gyms and small businesses. My biggest win was a lady reaching out to me to film weddings for her massive wedding business in Sydney! She found me on Instagram by using #sydneyvideographer. Just like that, I was booked for five weddings and edited 15 wedding videos for her. She loves the way I edit so much that she still sends me hard drives from Australia, and I edit a wedding video a week for her. #Score.


Breaking into the world of professional photography can be tough. What advice would you give to those trying to take photography from a hobby to a career?
Don’t give up! Just get out there and start doing it—even if it’s just going out into nature and learning your camera settings. Watch a lot of Youtube videos based on the things you would like to learn. Don’t be scared to do a few free photos or videos if it could help you get future jobs or grow your portfolio. Reach out to local companies on Instagram or Facebook, or walk in and see if the manager or owner is willing to talk. It’s definitely a numbers game sometimes. On Facebook, there are groups where people look for photographers or second shooters. The list goes on!

Out of photography, videography and editing, which is your personal favorite to work on?
I enjoy all of it! If I had to choose a favorite it would be videography, because I love how you can really tell a story with audio, music, and camera shots.

How have your past professional and academic experiences and lessons prepared you for the work you do today? How have they not prepared you?
I studied International Business at Florida Atlantic University. We learned a lot about the strategies of international companies and why they became successful while others did not. This helps me with my business in looking at what strategies I am using, or other companies like mine are using, to become successful. I was also able to take Darlin Studios over to Australia for a year making it an international business for a year. I did not learn videography or photography in school—I am self taught. But business school did teach me about branding, marketing, business strategy, finances, etc. Beyond that, school is great for learning how to multitask, achieve goals and network.


How does it feel to play such an important role in someone's special day?
I love capturing people when they are in the moment: crying, hugging, reading their vows, dancing, etc. I know that they will be able to pass these photos and videos on for generations, even when some people aren't here anymore. That alone is really special.

If not already mentioned, is there a process you walk through with each of your clients to understand their vision + goals?
I like to jump on a call or meet the client in person and really get to hear their vision. It’s a good idea to be prepared and write down a list of questions for the client. It is also a great time to build a personal connection where we both get to understand who each other are. I like to write notes down in a notebook. That way, even if the shoot is six months from now, I can remember the smallest of details that could be very important to the client. It also shows that I’m paying attention!

If not already mentioned, what’re some things that your travel taught you? In what ways did you grow professionally + personally?
It taught me to believe in myself even more. We can create the life that we want to create, we just have to believe in ourselves and take action. I believe it is really great to throw ourselves in uncomfortable situations. It teaches us that anything is possible, but It also teaches us how to network. If we don’t go out there and meet people, things will stay stagnant.

What’s one thing you’re proud to have accomplished in your career thus far?
Starting from scratch—and landing. Moving to Australia with a few suitcases and a camera and not knowing anyone, and then moving back to Orlando and starting from scratch all over again, was hard. Sometimes it felt like maybe it wasn’t working out. Once I pushed through those thoughts of doubt and kept putting the work in, everything just kind of took off.

If you could go back in time to give 17 year-old Kristin some advice, what would it be?
Don’t put so much pressure on yourself when focusing on success in the future. Success will come. Just take things day by day and appreciate the small goals.


What’s been your favorite gig so far?
I filmed a wedding in Sydney, Australia during the last month before I had to fly back to Florida. The wedding was right across from the world famous Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge! It was like a Cinderella movie, with a classic horse and carriage and a beautiful, extravagant ball gown. They had three Rolls Royces and rented out a theme park for part of it. All of that was really cool, but my favorite part was looking across the Harbor at the bridge and the Opera House and just thinking to myself, “Wow, I freaking did it.” When I moved to Australia not knowing one person, I sat on those banks wondering what was to come. 11 months later, I was filming high-end weddings at the same spot.

Who are some women in your field that you look to for inspiration?
Rachel Caroll, who owns Blush Pink Photo & Film in Australia has really taught me a lot. She has been a mentor to me throughout everything from running a busy wedding business to how to capture moments in a beautiful way.

What does your approach to work/life balance look like? How do you unplug and unwind?
This is something I still struggle with. I’m so passionate about growing my business that sometimes I will edit for 15 hours in one day and forget to go outside—which is not something I am proud of. Even if I just go for a walk around the neighborhood or switch up the location, I feel 100 times more sane. Going to the gym first thing in the morning helps the most. Afterwards, I feel so accomplished and amped up that I end up performing better and having more energy. To unplug or unwind, I love being out in nature or on the water. I enjoy deep sea fishing, hanging out on the beach, kayaking through the springs, hiking, and anything that has to do with traveling.

Career and/or life advice for other babes?
No matter what, keep taking actions towards your goals and dreams. Some people might doubt you, but take that negative energy and use it to motivate you even more. Keep visualizing the life you want to live and know what you want. Write your goals down and read them often. Get a planner or calendar and stay organized daily. Go to networking events and meetups and start growing your circle. Start meeting more people that will lift you up and help you grow! Do not be afraid to ask questions. Find a mentor or become a mentee. Read business books to help expand your ways of thinking. I could go on and on!

Connect with Kristin:

Instagram / Facebook / Website / Email

This interview has been condensed and edited.

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